
Let's Free Fire Cider - Trademarks and Herbal Traditions

Let's Free Fire Cider - Trademarks and Herbal Traditions
Fire cider is arguably one of the best known, and easiest to make, herbal remedies out there...and also the one currently most surrounded by controversy. Find out what's up with fire cider and how to help keep herbal traditions free for all.

Herbs for Hard Times

Herbs for Hard Times
There are many herbs that can support us in difficult times by keeping our heart calm and our mood lifted. The ones I'll share here are a few of my favorite allies to turn to when I'm feeling stressed and overwhelmed.

Imbolc Herbs and Lore

Imbolc Herbs and Lore
The feast of Imbolc, held February 1st or 2nd, is a celebration of the returning light. Learn more about this holiday and its healing herbs.

Winter Medicine: Evergreens

Winter Medicine: Evergreens
This is a wonderful time to get to know the evergreens growing around you. Learn how to use these ancient trees to make warming brews and treats to brighten up the winter.

Bathing Rituals: How to do an Herbal Facial Steam

Bathing Rituals: How to do an Herbal Facial Steam

An herbal facial steam is one of the simplest, yet most luxurious, things you can do to take a little time out for yourself and give your complexion some extra love.

And, the best part is, all you need are a few simple things.

Samhain Magic

Samhain Magic
Samhain, the day of the year when many believe the veil between worlds is most easily lifted...


The end of summer here in the Northeast is punctuated by one final, bright burst of sunlight; goldenrod. 

Wild Multiflora Rose

Wild Multiflora Rose
Scrappy, persistant, and widely considered invasive, Multiflora (Rosa multiflora) is probably not the most popular rose to use for medicine. The e...

Midsummer Mooncakes

Midsummer Mooncakes
Midsummer, or Litha, has arrived. Also called Alban Hefin in the Druid tradition, this is the day when the sun is at it's most powerful, riding ri...


  Mugwort, Artemisia vulgaris, is an herb that grows widely in the northeast. To some, it's a pesky weed, cropping up in gardens and lawns, spreadi...

Wildcrafting - Early Spring Edibles

Wildcrafting - Early Spring Edibles
There is still snow covering the land outside my window, but in many places spring has settled in and the plants are beginning to thrive. Bright g...

Flu Fighters: Elder and Fire Cider

Flu Fighters: Elder and Fire Cider
The flu is here, and it means business. Check out two of my favorite recipes for fighting it off and staying well.