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About Northern Sky Botanicals

My dream when formulating my herbal skincare offerings is simple: I want to create and share beautiful, nourishing herbal products that make people happy. 

I started making small batch skincare products over a decade ago; I wanted the things I used to contain only natural, wholesome, recognizable ingredients that I felt really good about putting on my skin. I began studying herbalism at around the same time, getting to know the plants that grew around me and forming a deep relationship with the land.

This knowledge of, and friendship with, the plants and the earth where I live informs and influences what I make; many of my ingredients are ethically and responsibly harvested in the wild, at the peak of the plant's energy and with profound gratitude. All of my products are made by hand in very small batches, and my inventory changes with the seasons based on what is growing outside. 

I believe reconnecting with the land where we live is the best way to heal our world and dream it into something better; when you love something and truly know it, you take better care of it.

The plants are there for us in so many ways, not the least of which is helping us take care of our beautiful selves. Using pure, natural herbal products is a way to nourish our skin and connect our animal bodies back to the land.

I hope some of the wildness, magic and blessing that lives in the green world shows in the all the things I make, and that it will be passed along to you.



About Me

Hi, I'm Ali! I'm an herbalist, forager, writer and permaculture designer living on the land of the Lenape people in what is now called Sussex County, New Jersey. 

I have been foraging and practicing herbal medicine more formally for just under a decade, studying at the Herbal Academy of New England and completing the Vitalist Herbal Practitioner program with Sajah Popham at the School of Evolutionary Herbalism. But my greatest teachers have always been the plants.

My approach to herbal medicine is to look at the whole person, not just at an issue or illness, to find paths of healing. My specialty is working with nourishing, abundant wild plants, and my passion is empowering people to work with the herbs that grow right outside their doors.

I am an experienced hiker and hold a certification in Wilderness First Aid. I offer guided plant walks and hands-on herbal workshops that focus on empowering people to get to know their local plants and work with them to stay well in body and spirit.

In 2021 I received my Permaculture Design Certificate from Midsummer Farm in Warwick, NY, and now work with clients to create landscapes that honor the earth, promote biodiversity, and nourish the body and soul.

You can find more about me and my other offerings at Brigid Rising.