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Design Consultation Services

My Design Philosophy

I am based in Sussex County, NJ and have been practicing permaculture, organic gardening, and habitat restoration since 2019, earning my Permaculture Design Certification in 2021 at Midsummer Farm in Warwick, NY.

I help my clients create gardens and landscapes that work with nature instead of against it, whether that be planning out a thriving organic veggie or medicinal herb garden, mapping out a rain garden, or converting a lawn into a space brimming with native plants, flowers, and biodiversity.

The guiding principle behind my work is to allow the land to become what it was meant to be by observing it closely and stewarding it back to a healthy, natural state. I believe that landscapes can and should be spaces that nourish us as well as our more than human kin. If this resonates with you and you'd like to work with me, please fill out my Design Client Inquiry Form.

Below are some of the services I specialize in, but if the project you have in mind doesn't quite fit any of these, please feel free to reach out anyway! No project or idea is too small, and I'd be happy to help you reach your goals.

Design services include a site assessment, a discussion on what your goals and dreams are for your property or garden, a full color site design and planting plan, and a detailed list of plants specifically suited to your site and project.


Backyard Habitat

This service is for you if you'd like to replace all or part of your grass lawn with a thriving garden of native plants. No matter how small your space, creating habitat for birds, bees, moths, butterflies and other pollinators can make a big difference.

A backyard filled with native plants requires less water, less maintenance, and less mowing, all while supporting your local ecosystem.


The Herbalist's Garden

Are you a budding herbalist who dreams of growing your own medicinal plants? Maybe you'd like a simple kitchen garden filled with herbs like thyme, rosemary and sage. Or, maybe you'd like to be able to make delicious tea blends from the plants growing right outside your door.

I have been growing and harvesting my own herbs for close to a decade, and I'd love to work with you to design a garden that works best for your space and helps you meet your goals as an herbalist. 


Permaculture Site Design

I use permaculture principles in all of my design work, but this service is meant to help you map out a large scale vision for your property. 


Want to work together? Please fill out my Design Consultation Inquiry Form.